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Super Crazy and Yoshohira Tajiri WWE ECW Theme

Posted: July 24th, 2008, 7:53 am
by TheLostLegend
Since WWE's ECW technically and officially started at One Night Stand 2006 (Dreamer, Sandman and Balls all used their WWE ECW themes on that PPV) then technically the theme that Super Crazy and Tajiri came out to 'El Nomad Guerrero (i think thats what it is called)' should be added to the WWE section on the site, its up to you though Xylot.

Re: Super Crazy and Yoshohira Tajiri WWE ECW Theme

Posted: July 25th, 2008, 10:36 pm
by TerranRich
Super Crazy's 2nd WWE theme is now listed as his 3rd ECW theme as well. The (ECW) part was missing before, hence the confusion.