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My Plans For Xylot Themes

Posted: March 21st, 2008, 9:33 pm
by TerranRich
Yes, I have plans for this site, beyond theme counts. I am keeping up my themes collection on my personal hard drive, as well as updating the theme counts accordingly. I am preparing for a time where I can possibly bring Xylot Themes back to where it was originally.

On a similar note, can somebody help me out? I want to check the authenticity of the email I got from WWE. Wouldn't you guys think that there'd be something more official than an email from some guy? The IP address leads me to some web host, nothing related to WWE at all. I'm hoping that maybe it was some hoax and WWE never did find out. If that's true, it would only take me a day or two to re-upload every theme back on the site. The code is still there to link to the themes, I just commented certain parts out.