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JR has a new theme?

Posted: January 11th, 2009, 11:01 am
by TheMcD
Now, I've been looking around over the Tube and have been looking at trons.

There, I saw two different JR trons, two with different versions of the Oklahoma Sooners fight song.

Exibit A: ... re=related

Exibit B: ... re=related

A is the new theme I'm not sure of, B is the theme I remember being on here.

Can anyone confirm anything regarding this? A seems to be from, but I'm not sure.

The McD

Re: JR has a new theme?

Posted: January 11th, 2009, 4:20 pm
by bubbafan2
Exhibit B is the one he used for years up until a few months ago. Then he started using A.
BTW, I still need A if anyone can post it :)

Re: JR has a new theme?

Posted: January 11th, 2009, 6:38 pm
by giznad138
bubbafan2 wrote:Exhibit B is the one he used for years up until a few months ago. Then he started using A.
BTW, I still need A if anyone can post it :)
damn, i didn't know he had a new theme... and i agree, if anyone has it.. post it, i need that one as well :)

Re: JR has a new theme?

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 11:44 am
by PaddyDragon23
Link 1 is his 2nd Tron from Sapo
Link 2 is his 1st Tron from HOF07

Re: JR has a new theme?

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 8:41 pm
by AirFallen
JR's current theme is sped up and just doesn't have vocals.

Re: JR has a new theme?

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 2:04 pm
JR only had one theme.

Re: JR has a new theme?

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 6:51 am
by TheLostLegend
TEOL wrote:JR only had one theme.
Wrong, if you include edits and such he has used about 4 or 5.