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Questions about "No Siente"

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 7:56 am
by TheMcD
Armando Estrada's theme, in other words.

I have the feeling that that's production (actually never checked), can I get a confirmation?
Basically I'm looking for "No Siente (A)" since Estrada's is "No Siente (B)". I just need either the link to the entry in a library or just the library, if it has a search function. The file itself would be appreciated, but I could stream record it myself, too.

So, if anyone wants to help, fire away!

The McD

Re: Questions about "No Siente"

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 1:14 pm
by TerranRich
It's on APM Music in the KPM library. Just search for "No Siente" (including quotes).

Re: Questions about "No Siente"

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 2:56 pm
by TheMcD
Thanks Rich! Now to record that when I get back to my main computer...

The McD

By the way, would this qualify as an alternate theme? Then somebody who can get that in high quality can post it in the Alternate Themes thread.

Re: Questions about "No Siente"

Posted: November 12th, 2008, 6:36 am
I have it.

Re: Questions about "No Siente"

Posted: November 16th, 2008, 8:31 am
by TheMcD
[Ron Simmons]DAMN![/Ron Simmons]

There is an EA section at APM? And my favorite track from the Sims is production? The same with SimCity 3000? And every song in Tiger Woods 2005 was production too?

I still have a lot to learn about production music.

The McD

EDIT: HOLY CRAP! NFL Music? Finally! I've been looking for that stuff for a long time! BRB, recording loads of songs.