Problem posting replies
Posted: August 9th, 2022, 12:06 pm
For the past month or so (possibly longer), any time I go to post a reply to a post and click Submit, it just takes me to an all white screen. The post goes through, but unlike before it doesn't take me right back to the post I replied to. I have to click the back button to go back to the page where you compose the message, and then I can click to go back to the topic I was on. Interestingly, it doesn't do it when posting a new thread like this one or editing an existing post, just when I reply to an existing topic.
Is this a known error? Is it something on my end? I can't think of anything I've done differently or changed that might cause this.
Is this a known error? Is it something on my end? I can't think of anything I've done differently or changed that might cause this.