What You Get (Zoey Stark)

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What You Get (Zoey Stark)

Post by ragetrons »

What you see is what you get
And I don’t care if you get all of it
What you see is what you get
And I don’t care if you get all of it

I’m the baddest that you’ve ever seen
I eat sleep breathe win everything

Ascending to the sky
My mind is on me
Never saying die
As they fall to their knees
I took every side
Who’s it gonna be

I’m your weakness
Mastered secret
I won’t lose it’s time
I’m a student to the game

I’m the baddest that you’ve ever seen
I eat sleep breathe win everything
Go crazy get wild no I don’t pretend
Watch out I’ll terminate you in your sleep

What you see is what you get
And I don’t care if you get all of it
What you see is what you get
And I don’t care if you get all of it
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