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AJ Styles Theme Not Mentioned

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 4:17 am
by TheLostLegend
Okay there is a theme that AJ Styles used which is not listed on the site. Here is the link to the proof:

This match is the very first match AJ Styles and Kurt Angle had with each other, the theme he uses has an altered intro which i believe then kicks into the original song. Check it out and you will see.

I dont know what number this would be but i would say it is like his 5th or 6th, don't quote me on that though, maybe higher up the list.

Re: AJ Styles Theme Not Mentioned

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 4:19 am
by TheLostLegend
Also the theme mentioned on the site as AJ Styles 2nd '2nd Remix' is in fact just the theme you mention as his 8th but a poorer quality, but it is the full thing whereas the one mentioned as his 8th is a TNA Impact game rip which is not the full thing even though the rip DOES have an ending, they have cut out like half of the song for the game.