Introducing People To Jim Johnston

Discussion regarding the site itself. This includes the upcoming Version 7. Also comments about the site, suggestions for V7, questions about XT, problems with your life, and errors — ooh I hates those errors!
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Introducing People To Jim Johnston

Post by thebib62 »

In this thread I would like you to pretend you're trying to introduce Jim's work to a non-wrestling fan.
Pick a theme for each genre of music that you feel would best represent it, and Jim's work. You can also pick a theme for each genre that you feel would best be liked by most people.

Rap - Crackin' or Domination
Rock - No Kidding v2 (Bill Demontt) (this is a hard one...)
Funk - Somebody Call My Momma' (Ernest Miller)
Country - Miss Understood (Trevor Murdoch)
R&B.Soul - Sexual Chocolate (Mark Henry)
Reggae - S.O.S. (Kofi Kingston)

I look forward to see your guys' opinion!
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1000th post: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:44 pm
"Im no John Cena... Thank god" - Randy Orton
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