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CFO$' "Real Deal" for Emma Likened to a Mix of "Leid und Elend"

Posted: September 28th, 2015, 4:46 pm
by ALmighty6693
In the rare event that anyone cared about what I was talking about in regards to Emma's "Real Deal" <!/themes/nxt/emma>, check out how that electronic beat that sounds like something is falling heard as early as the intro for each is similar to a fan mix of KMFDM's "Leid und Elend."

Thank you.

Re: CFO$' "Real Deal" for Emma Likened to a Mix of "Leid und Elend"

Posted: September 28th, 2015, 4:57 pm
by EddieK
I defiantly hear the similarities.

Re: CFO$' "Real Deal" for Emma Likened to a Mix of "Leid und Elend"

Posted: September 30th, 2015, 1:22 am
by ALmighty6693
Maybe...just maybe...the unknown fan whom remixed it grew to become one of the CFO$ & used one of his old effects for Emma. :o