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A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 11:21 pm
by Neomic
I've noticed that a lot of the themes on here have some kind of effect added to them to make the guitars stand out more, notably Ashley's "Light A Fire", Maven "Tattoo", Jeff Hardy "No More Words" and a ton of others.

For someone who tried to make their collection as correct as possible, this is completely wrong. Jim does do small effects to some of his songs to make different instruments and the such stand out better, but nothing like this.

Jeff Hardy's edit is also incorrect. There were actually 2 edits: the first being used the night the song debuted, and then they redid the transition which played the next week.

Version 1:
- Notice in the transition, it only has 1 hard drum.

Version 2:
- The transition is a little different, and includes almost the whole drum fill before the chorus.

If anyone's too lazy, I'll provide the edits.

Re: A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 11:43 pm
by Jackson
Two edits? Interesting. You sound like you know what you are doing so I'd trust your edits.

Re: A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 11:46 pm
by wrestlelord
You have to understand that WWE has several audio mixes feeding into the being line-in to song bank and multiple for camera/audience microphones. They have a live audio compressor that is manually operated due to the balancing between the different it's possible it fed out 'scooped mid' which could level up the guitar track. Also it could be that Jim's mix had the guitars too loud but most mastering tools fix that automatically.

Re: A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: August 5th, 2008, 11:49 pm
by TerranRich
Well I certainly didn't do anything to the themes to enhance the guitars. I post themes as-is and any editing I do is for creating arena edits or noise reduction or other drastic and necessary changes. But I rarely fix up themes unless they're really bad, and that's rare as well.

Re: A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: August 6th, 2008, 6:02 am
by Craig-UK
XT I'd ignore what he says anyway, he's like this on antdogs with his "crispier" symbols.

Re: A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: September 4th, 2008, 5:45 am
by TheLostLegend
Just to talk about what was stated at the top with the two versions. The first version you posted comes back from a commercial break so isn't it possible they just cut a bit of the song out when coming back from the commercial break?

I do believe he has used two versions though, i have both versions posted up on my Youtube page, but i cannot prove he has used both of them as of yet.

Re: A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: September 22nd, 2008, 6:26 pm
by Neomic
Craig-UK wrote:XT I'd ignore what he says anyway, he's like this on antdogs with his "crispier" symbols.
Ok, first off, this "crispier symbol" ranting is retarded. I don't have any idea where you guys got that, but I have never said that.

Secondly, when you're talking about percussion, the correct spelling is cymbal.

Xylot, I apologize, I wasn't accusing you. I was simply stating that whoever provided those themes did something to them.

Re: A lot of themes on here have a weird "guitar" effect.

Posted: September 24th, 2008, 10:25 pm
by TerranRich
I know you weren't saying I did something to them. But I doubt the person that ripped/recorded/etc them did anything to them, because they are all from different sources. You sure it's not your speakers? :)