Musique Cinéma Télévision (MCT) Album Info

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Musique Cinéma Télévision (MCT) Album Info

Post by musicmike813 »

MCT501 - Colors
MCT502 - Guitars heroes
MCT503 - Freeway
MCT504 - Drama
MCT505 - Comedy
MCT506 - Classique
MCT507 - Jingle bugle
MCT508 - Challenge
MCT509 - Leisure
MCT510 - New music
MCT511 - Janus
MCT512 - Rock for ever time
MCT513 - Made In Sax
MCT514 - From the sky
MCT515 - Rhythmics and motions
MCT516 - Big screen
MCT517 - Accordéon, orgue de barbarie, limonaire
MCT518 - From the sea to sky
MCT519 - Positive
MCT520 - Beats and news
MCT521 - Prime time
MCT522 - Big bang baile
MCT523 - Charm
MCT524 - Cities
MCT525 - Gags
MCT526 - War
MCT527 - Films tracks
MCT528 - Barok
MCT529 - Moyen-Âge, Renaissance
MCT530 - Pieces for the piano
MCT531 - Digital tips
MCT532 - Escapade
MCT533 - Musique symphonique contemporaine
MCT534 - Round about 60' s
MCT535 - On the rocks
MCT536 - Western
MCT537 - Technology
MCT538 - Conflicts
MCT539 - Sport
MCT540 - News
MCT541 - Strange fantastic
MCT542 - Dance from 40's to 90's
MCT543 - Glamorous
MCT544 - Link and jingle
MCT545 - Latin Americas
MCT546 - Science
MCT547 - Bass for ever
MCT548 - Olympic
MCT549 - Dixie
MCT550 - Goldens cartoons
MCT551 - New beats
MCT552 - Circus
MCT553 - Gone with the winds
MCT554 - More and more rock
MCT555 - Africa
MCT556 -
MCT557 - Piano bar piano jazz
MCT558 - Techno dance dream
MCT559 - Acid jungle groove
MCT560 - Fusion funky 70
MCT561 - 50's to 90's songs
MCT562 - Années 40 - Années 50
MCT563 - Travels

If you need track listings, Artist Name, Year. I will post it. Please note that I don't own any of these tracks or albums, this is just for Info.
Posts: 786
Joined: July 10th, 2010, 12:37 pm
Location: Atlanta, GA

Re: Musique Cinéma Télévision (MCT) Album Info

Post by Craig-UK »

Here is a full list:
MCT501 - Colors (1988)
MCT502 - Guitar Heroes (1988)
MCT503 - Freeway (1988)
MCT504 - Drama (1988)
MCT505 - Comedy (1988)
MCT506 - Classique (1988)
MCT507 - Jingle Bugle (1989)
MCT508 - Challenge (1989)
MCT509 - Leisure (1986)
MCT510 - New Music (1989/87)
MCT511 - Janus (1989)
MCT512 - Rock For Everytime (1989)
MCT513 - Made In Sax (1989)
MCT514 - From The Sky
MCT515 - Rhythmics And Motions
MCT516 - Big Screen (1989)
MCT517 - Accordeon-Barrel Organ
MCT518 - From The Sea To Sky
MCT519 - Positive (1990)
MCT520 - Beats And News (1990)
MCT521 - Prime Time (1990)
MCT522 - Archi Jazz / Big Band Baile (1990)
MCT523 - Charm (1990)
MCT524 - Cities (1991)
MCT525 - Gags (1991)
MCT526 - War (1978)
MCT527 - Film Tracks (1990)
MCT528 - Barok (1991)
MCT529 - Moyen-Age Renaissance (1983)
MCT530 - Pieces For The Piano (1980)
MCT531 - Digital Tips (1992)
MCT532 - Escapade (1992)
MCT533 - Contemporary Music (1992)
MCT534 - 'Round About 60's (1992)
MCT535 - On The Rocks (1992)
MCT536 - Western (1992)
MCT537 - Technology (1993)
MCT538 - Conflicts (1993)
MCT539 - Sport (1993)
MCT540 - News (1993)
MCT541 - Strange-Fantastic
MCT542 - Dance From 40's to 90's
MCT543 - Glamorous (1994)
MCT544 - Link And Jingle (1994)
MCT545 - Latin Americas
MCT546 - Science (1994)
MCT547 - Bass For Ever (1994)
MCT548 - Olympic (1995)
MCT549 - Dixie (1979)
MCT550 - Golden Cartoons (1995)
MCT551 - New Beats (1995)
MCT552 - Circus (1995)
MCT553 - Gone With The Winds
MCT554 - More and More Rock (1995)
MCT555 - Africa
MCT556 - Eastern - Far East
MCT557 - Piano Bar - Piano Jazz
MCT558 - Techno Dance Dream (1996)
MCT559 - Acid Jungle Groove (1996)
MCT560 - Fusion Funky 70 (1996)
MCT561 - 50's to 90's Songs (1996)
MCT562 - Années 40 - Années 50 (1997)
MCT563 - Travels (1997)
MCT564 - Du Swing A La Java (1997)
MCT565 - Surfin' On Top Of The Waves (1997)
MCT566 - Images Of Choreography (1998)
MCT567 - Minimalism (1998)
MCT568 - From 1900's To 1940's
MCT569 - Techno-Indus (1998)
MCT570 - Oceon Suite (1998)
MCT571 - Guitars Tenderness (1998)
MCT572 - Groove - House - Techno (1998)
MCT573 - Fiesta (1999)
MCT574 - Modern Museum
MCT575 - Drivin' Music (1998)
MCT576 - Hollywood Movies (1999)
MCT577 - Baroque Music
MCT578 - Christmas & Kids (1998)
MCT579 - Lost Paradise (2000)
MCT580 - Voices From The Other Side (2000)
MCT581 - Big Screen 2 (2000)
Posts: 4094
Joined: June 19th, 2008, 12:56 pm

Re: Musique Cinéma Télévision (MCT) Album Info

Post by TEOL »

Don't forget these releases as well on Patchwork - MCT/Musique Cinéma Télévision which was post Patchwork PW and MC and pre stripping the name of Patchwork away and making the company name just plain Musique Cinéma Télévision although the only ones we would be interested in are Action, Zoulou, Moments and Winners as we have the Rock one already.

But there is no doubt about it we are interested in a few of them also no doubt and any other ones Rock related which they don't list yet in the list too.

Action ‎MCT 49 1979
Jingles ‎(LP) MCT 75 1984
The World Of Frédéric Mercier ‎(LP) MCT 77 1984
Zoulou ‎(LP) MCT 78 1984
Jazz - Lou Bennett Trio ‎(LP, Lib) MCT 79 1984
Adventures ‎(LP) MCT 83 1985
Algorhythms ‎(LP) MCT 84 1985
Moments ‎(LP) MCT 85 1986
Made In Sax ‎(LP) MCT 86 1986
Comedy ‎(LP, Comp) MCT 87 1986
Winners (Modern Group For Action) ‎(LP) MCT 88 1986
Rock ‎(LP) MCT 89 1986
Africa ‎(LP) MCT 90 1986
Modern Wave ‎(LP) MCT 91 1986
Severino Gazzelloni ‎(LP, Album) MCT 8507 Unknown

Re: Musique Cinéma Télévision (MCT) Album Info

Post by musicmike813 »

Thanks Craig-UK I didn't realize that you already know all the albums. I was trying to help with info. I got all my info from here
I would also like to state and hope that I get access to as I filled out an application for a production music client.
Posts: 4094
Joined: June 19th, 2008, 12:56 pm

Re: Musique Cinéma Télévision (MCT) Album Info

Post by TEOL »

Their studios still exist.

00035 65 81 75 Editeur Raison sociale : UNIVERSAL PUBLISHING PRODUCTION MUSIC FRANCE
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