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Posted: November 11th, 2008, 3:33 pm
by TheMcD
Your limit is 100 meg and will be adjusted by Rich to 1 gig if you ask him. Maybe even 2 since you are the one who uploads the FCW episodes (which I will watch when I get my laptop back - until that thing's back Taker got the title from Triple Haitch.).

The McD


Posted: November 11th, 2008, 7:36 pm
by TerranRich
Is nobody listening to me?

Themes will still be hosted on the server... which is being moved to another web host provider.

I need to re-upload themes because the old location is gone for good. Kaput. No more. Go bye-bye.

The OLD plan was to host the themes on that is no longer the plan.

If you want to upload themes for contributions, you can use you can use RapidShare and MediaFire if you want, but ShutUPload is better, IMHO.

You need to register a free account (in seconds) to upload files (but not to download).


Posted: November 11th, 2008, 9:58 pm
by The Franchise
when will there be anything up again? is there anything up on it now? if so, whats the link?


Posted: November 11th, 2008, 10:33 pm
by Jackson
Be patient.


Posted: November 11th, 2008, 11:21 pm
by TerranRich
This is the problem with too many threads dedicated to the same topic. I make an update on one, and the other 12 are filled with people curious as to what's going on.

The thread in the News forum will now be the only one where the status of this site and the forums will be discussed.

Here is the plan, in order:

1. Fix themes so that I can use a Flash player like I originally intended. I have to re-upload them all anyway, so I might as well do this.

2. Transfer the domain to my new web host provider, and pay the yearly fee.

3. Upload all 6 GB of themes that were on the old server, to the new one. This should take a week at the most.

4. Fix the code on what used to be the main site, so that downloads will work.

5. Make forum logins responsible for access to the main site. (Being logged out will show what's on currently.)

Further discussion goes in the News forum topic called "State of the Forums".