WWE UK Tournament 2018 Themes

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Re: WWE UK Tournament 2018 Themes

Post by TheStepUp666 »

A Little Update (& Thanks to me being at Progress Last Night) Another Theme Found

Title: Trap or Treat
Artist: Phraze & Todd Andrew
Album: MIN015 - EDM Trap
Library: Minimal Music

The Loop Sample = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjtljRWEjLU

Few mini Notes from Progress : Once again back to the Cheaper "Non-Mainstream" Themes (Not even Hot Tag-Media Works being used) - Now using the Warner Chappell Library (joining RoH ... & ICW (which strange fact, Themes from aforementioned companies have been used ( E.g. Josh Woods' RoH Theme being used by Mark Haskins & The Recently new ICW Fight Club Theme being used by Chris Ridgeway).
Though WWE UK Talent are using their WWE Themes (Toni Storm, Jinny, Grizzled Young Veterans (using James Drake's 1st Theme) & Travis Banks (which we'll get Info when the Chapter 74 Drops on the OD)
"I'm worth more than you could know
'Cause all you know is what you see
'Cause you're all blind to who I am
So all you see is a mystery
'Cause I'm PRICELESS!!!"
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