Adding a Wrestler to the theme database

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Adding a Wrestler to the theme database

Post by AndyGibsonTV »

Hey guys.

I hope you're all well and staying safe from this horrendous CoronaVirus.

Please forgive my ignorance if I have placed this into the wrong discussion thread, of course admin can rearrange it if needed.

Since Xylot Themes is "The greatest wrestling music encyclopedia website in the history of our sport", I'm wondering if Nailz (WWE) and The Prisoner (WCW) should be given a page.

Yes, I understand he never had any entrance music in WWE or WCW but it is an encyclopaedic website and I think if somebody wanted to know what themes Nailz/The Prisoner had then they should be able to look up and discover he never had any at all.
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Papa Faf
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Re: Adding a Wrestler to the theme database

Post by Papa Faf »

Not yet, but this is something that will be expanded upon when V7 of the site is finished. Until then, we're only covering themes. But when V7 is ready, we will have tons of new features including pages for people who never used themes, with biographies and photo galleries.
Xylot Themes Admin: March 14th, 2015 - Present
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