It's Time (Gregory Helms)

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It's Time (Gregory Helms)

Post by TheBigTedbowski »


It's time

Yeah, you know it's time for revolution (It's time)

I give you proper execution (Time)

'Cause you're a broken institution (It's time)

And i'm a natural evolution

I don't say a lot, only what's needed

Too many words, runnin' and bleeding.

Outta control, lack of a soul, attackin' the O, the devil's competing

Conveyor of darkness, markin' markers territory,

like the wolfman, come to see who's not running

It's over, can't stop to know what he's gett'in to

likes to run to the light, yeah.

This world is spinnin' you like the clock from out of time

The hands are winding down, and soon you will be mine

It's time

Ah, it's time for revolution (It's time)

Give you a proper execution (Time)

'Cause you're a broken institution (It's time)

And i'm a natural evolution

Shattered faces, scattered pieces

Full of the waste

I clean up and pick up the pace

the spiritutal maze

Was just a taste Of a good place

And face it, you're losing the race, yeah

This world is spinnin' you like the clock from out of time

The hands are winding down, and soon you will be mine

You know it's time for revolution

I give you proper execution

'Cause you're a broken institution

Yeah, and i'm a natural evolution
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Re: It's Time (Gregory Helms)

Post by Jackson »

One of my favorites. Let me take a stab. Though there's a couple of parts I can't make out at all. Might have to slow it down.

It's time

Yeah, you know it's time for revolution (It's time)
I give you proper execution (Time)
'Cause you're a broken institution (It's time)
And i'm a natural evolution

I don't say a lot, only what's needed
Too many words, runnin' and bleeding.
[Outta control, lack of a soul, attackin' the whole, the devil's competing
Conveying the darkness,sparkin' markers territory,
like the wolfman, come to ???see who's not running ???
It's over, can't stop to know what he's get'n to
??? run to the light, yeah.

This world is spinnin' like a clock run out of time
The hands are winding down, and soon you will be mine

It's time
Ah, it's time for revolution (It's time)
Give you a proper execution (Time)
'Cause you're a broken institution (It's time)
And i'm a natural evolution

Shattered pieces, scattered pieces
Fall of the waste
I clean up and pick up the pace
the spiritual maze
Was just a taste of a good grace
And face it, we're losing the race, yeah

This world is spinnin' you like the clock from out of time
The hands are winding down, and soon you will be mine

You know it's time for revolution
I give you proper execution
'Cause you're a broken institution
Yeah, and i'm a natural evolution
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