The Midas Touch (Unused Donald Trump theme)

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The Midas Touch (Unused Donald Trump theme)

Post by Chris »

(I'm 99.9% confident in this transcription, but if there is anything to correct please let me know.)

Hit it
Let's go

I've got that Midas touch
I've got that Midas touch
Everything I do, it just turns gold
And money and fame are the cards I'm holding
I just can't seem to do anything wrong
Everywhere I go, the money always finds me
Billionaires and presidents, they wine and dine me
I know everybody wants my life so much
You can call it luck, but I've got the Midas touch

I'm just so used to winning
Big deals I'm always clinching
And it's why I'm always grinning
I've even got this hair, it's just not fair
I got a great big private jet
Only the best will I accept
I walk a wire without a net
And I give away more than you've ever made
Some will resent me, I understand
There's nothing I can't do, I'm my own brand
I give away a fortune, I'm such a lucky man
Oh yes, I am

Alright, let's do it
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