"Together" (WWE: Anthology) credits ?

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"Together" (WWE: Anthology) credits ?

Post by Alex »

On the iTunes release of Anthology, "Together" is only credited to Jim Johnston. But, from what we know, "Together" was a collab between Jim Johnston and Jimmy Hart (as said by Jim Johnston during an interview, and by Jimmy Hart on his DVD). On BMI, the track is credited to Jim Johnston, Jimmy Hart and John Maguire as composers.

I searched for the performers in many places and I remembered someone on Youtube claiming she was performing the vocals (Marie0327ify) along with another guy named Steve. I know Youtube isn't a good source to trust info, but I was wondering if that Steve could be Steven Swann who performed "Sexual Chocolate" ? He has a similar voice. I triyed to find him on Internet but couldn't get a real result, excepting on a singer of the name Steve Swann, but unfortunatly dead, and I couldn't recognize if it was him or not (video: https://youtu.be/7IIL2TYhUYs).

If anyone wants to bring some opinions or know anything about this song, you're welcome. :)
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Re: "Together" (WWE: Anthology) credits ?

Post by Craig-UK »

I don't know the singer's but I do know the composers are definitely John J. Maguire, Jimmy Ray Hart and James Alan Johnston.
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Re: "Together" (WWE: Anthology) credits ?

Post by Chris »

The actual CD release does properly credit "Together" to Johnston, Hart, and Maguire.
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