Question about Paul Burchill's "Piracy"

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Question about Paul Burchill's "Piracy"

Post by Chris »

I noticed today that the "SmackDown vs Raw 2007" game has a slightly glitched track of Paul Burchill's "Piracy" (the "glitch" happens around the 1:25-1:30 mark). I initially thought it was just a bad rip of my game, so I re-ripped it again from the disc but the track had the same problem. I checked the next couple files (the song with cheers/boos), and it seems the crowd noise was just added on top of the glitched track. I even went and checked YouTube videos, and both the PS2 and Xbox 360 seem to have this glitched track.

Other YouTube videos of just the theme itself, however, have the track without the glitch. It's the same length as the game track, and I thought the game was the only known source of the song which is what made me figure my copy was just bad, but I'm guessing the track people are posting was sourced elsewhere. Where did the fixed/non-glitched version of "Piracy" originate?
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Re: Question about Paul Burchill's "Piracy"

Post by bubbafan2 »

The game rip is the only source I know of for that theme, and yes, it is glitched. Viscera's "Gut Punch" from the same game has a similar glitch, at the 1:45 mark.
In both cases, it was fixed by themers. I know I fixed my own rip.
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Re: Question about Paul Burchill's "Piracy"

Post by Chris »

Oh, okay. I figured that was a possibility.

What exactly did you do to fix it, if you remember?
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Re: Question about Paul Burchill's "Piracy"

Post by bubbafan2 »

cjh wrote:Oh, okay. I figured that was a possibility.

What exactly did you do to fix it, if you remember?
I checked the youtube videos, and it looks like they fixed it a little different than I did. The videos took the bell sound from 1:28 and inserted it into the glitched part. I just cut out the glitched gap and tried to make it sound seamless. But there's no wrong way to do it, since unless this theme is officially released, we'll never know what it's supposed to sound like.
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Re: Question about Paul Burchill's "Piracy"

Post by Chris »

Yeah, that's true. I'll just play around with it and see what I can do. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Question about Paul Burchill's "Piracy"

Post by Hernan »

Here's praying to have this one included on Uncaged V.
"Every theme count will be on the line"
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