Copy Steven Richards 1st

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Copy Steven Richards 1st

Post by TEOL »

I think you should copy the Steven Richards one to Dudleyz 1st, Kat 1st and Nic Namoth "of the Sprit Squard" 4th because that one is the best quality and the others have some shitty stream version.

Maybe you can normalise the volume too because it's a bit on the low side. I've already did it myself but I'm uploading somthing else.

Edit: Fuck it I'll upload it normalised now:

You should also find out what out of the 2 titles "Fundamental & Big Style" is the real name by asking Craig or someone who knows.
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Re: Copy Steven Richards 1st

Post by TerranRich »

"Big Style" is the official title, from Extreme Music. I'll get those fixed now. Thanks! (Dunno if your theme is 256kbps, but I have the 256kbps theme from Extreme Music.)
TerranRichThe Nerdiest Player in the Game
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Re: Copy Steven Richards 1st

Post by TEOL »

XylotThemes wrote:"Big Style" is the official title, from Extreme Music. I'll get those fixed now. Thanks! (Dunno if your theme is 256kbps, but I have the 256kbps theme from Extreme Music.)
Add that, what I posted was your current 192 with boosted volume and a skip in there unless if it was a track with a skip in on the site.
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