Theme Information Checklist

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Theme Information Checklist

Post by BretC »

Hey guys I am in the process of making an excel sheet with theme information on companies, wrestlers, when was it used, album info and composers. I showed this to a few admins and I wanted for you guys to take a look at it and tell me what you think of it, and if there's anything you think I need to fix, add or anything else let me know, thanks.
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Re: Theme Information Checklist

Post by Hernan »

As always I'm fan of that file.

Error #1: Abaddon Wrestling is misspelled:
That error is already known and it's going to be fixed in the future (according to what I know).

Another errors will be coming as soon as possible (if I found one :P ).
"Every theme count will be on the line"
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Re: Theme Information Checklist

Post by theassassin »

Wow, really useful reference tool, thank you very much.

Just a quick scroll through the WCW section though I noticed several superstars not listed. You might want to compare your list of wrestlers to the Xylot WCW entrances menu
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Re: Theme Information Checklist

Post by TEOL »

Nice. How about a things to find checklist as well. If you type WWE as a track title in any old repitore "every one" it gives you info for all used production themes artists and libraries but you still have to find out what the mystery title is for yourself.

The idea of making a database for them is that it would be a combined thingy so you don't have to do it manually on a repitore site anymore and browse through the pages as the entries would be on a database.

I'm still interested in knowing what that illusive Scorekeepers theme was.
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Re: Theme Information Checklist

Post by EddieK »

I'm really liking this, BretCanada. :)
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Re: Theme Information Checklist

Post by BretC »

Thanks for the feedback guys,

1. I fixed the Abaddon listing.
2. This is a work in progress obviously so there will be some missing entries and I will add them as soon as I can.
3. I am also doing a list for the promos and PPV's on a separate sheet as well.
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