Prime Time Players theme

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Prime Time Players theme

Post by Kuhmis89 »

I was just browsing iTunes and happen to find this: ... d584152877
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Re: Prime Time Players theme

Post by NMMan »

Yeah, I posted the link in the discussion board along with a YouTube link of their entrance video with the new song. It's not getting a lot of positive feedback on social media (a lot of Woo Child fans out there, I guess), but I love it...I personally think it's the best rap entrance music made by WWE in a very long time, catchy as hell.
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Re: Prime Time Players theme

Post by TEOL »

Woo Child was crap for the WWE though even though it was good as a normal track.

This is because the track "Move Get It In" was always about having sex on a track and field and getting a penis into a vagina and the girl saying thats right in a sexy voice to it and thats completely unsuitable for a PG WWE.

WWE only just realized what the message of the track was and that I feel was why it was changed to this one however I still prefer Just Call Me Titus O'Neil or He's a Warrior the best and wish Titus continued to use them in the one for entrance and one for exit format to add a chance to them themes getting released.
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