girls in cars

With the inclusion of lyrics on the site, contributions are always welcome! Make sure they're 100% accurate before posting!
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sir robert
Posts: 611
Joined: June 23rd, 2008, 10:08 am
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girls in cars

Post by sir robert »

they pass you on the road with a smile and you have to look twice
and you wonder to yourself could a woman really look that nice
mmm girls in cars
girls in cars
i love girls in cars
girls in cars
they always catch your eye and pretend that they just don't care
running wild and free my imagination takes it from there
mmm girls in cars
i love girls in cars
girls in cars
mmm girls in cars
all you girls have gone a bit too far i'm not safe behind the wheel of my car
you know to well you have a serious effect on me
your a highway fantasy
girls in cars
we love girls in cars
at 60 miles an hour any girl could be the star of my dreams
when i hit a red light find they stop waiting there for me
girls in cars
girls girls
girls in cars
girls in cars
girls girls
girls in cars
girls girls
i love girls in cars
girls girls
all you girls have gone a bit too far i'm not safe behind the wheel of my car
you know to well you have a serious effect on me
your a highway fantasy
mmm just give me those girls
girls in cars
we love girls in cars
yes we really love those girls
girls in cars
we love girls in cars
give me those girls
girls in cars
give me those girls
girls in cars

Re: girls in cars

Post by Craig-UK »

Thanks for posting older lyrics, appreciate it. I haven't checked to confirm whether all is correct but seems to be right.
sir robert
Posts: 611
Joined: June 23rd, 2008, 10:08 am
Location: classified

Re: girls in cars

Post by sir robert »

i have this song on my ipod and sing it all the time :)
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