Few WCW wrestler theme "errors"

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Few WCW wrestler theme "errors"

Post by Don »

Kaz Hayashi is nowhere to be found :o
His first theme may already be in the WCW section somewhere, or it may be listed but not for download yet (like 1000 Suns or Tokyo Takeaway), but you can hear it here, in his debut match:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaau9cWW ... re=related

His second theme was listed as Ultimo Dragon's 1st, which is listed as unknown title. The title of said theme is "Temple of the Dragon"

Now, Mike Enos had at least 3 themes. I believe his last theme, listed as "Rough & Tough" you can hear if you have his match against Chris Benoit as Souled Out 1999. His other themes you can hear both here (9-23-96):
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4p0q3 ... enos_sport

and here (5-25-98)

I know I've heard Kendall Windham use Scott Putski's 1st theme "She Can't Love Me Like Me" at least once on WCW Saturday Night

Mark Jindrak isn't listed in WCW as well, but before he became a Natural Born Thriller, he was on WCW Saturday Night doing a basketball player gimmick, which he used Jericho's 1st theme "Days of My Life."

Rhonda Singh also isn't listed in WCW, she used Jericho's 2nd theme "One Crazed Anarchist."
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