Ahhh no need to apologise - It's mainly the TV ones (via the on screen info bar) & Marty Scurll's (which debuted on the UK Tour as same for Will Ospreay's, & Dijak (as mentioned on a post or 2 back!!) & my description of the Edits (e.g. War Machine's RoH 3rd - put as Intro Cut w/ the Intro (which I Think debuted during on of the Tour Shows - bit complex but simple!!) Still waiting to find Joe Hendry's (when the shows surface online)Kid Ego wrote:Hey man thanks for all that info. My apologies for the slow response I've been pretty busy recently and only just now had a chance to start updating my database.
Without wishing to sound like a dick, would it be possible for you to list all the recent entries you made? Only I don't really want to have to click on every single count under the ROH section on the main site to find the new stuff you added.
Ones I can Remember :
Punishment Martinez,Tempura Boyz,Kingdom (which is to the details mentioned - also has the Clock Ticking later into the track so it is sort of a RoH Edit/Intro Edit (whatever it wants to be!!),Marty Scurll),Colt Cabana (the Remix Details - still not sure where the FULL Version of "Boom Boom" would go - surely before the TV/Intro Edit if so the Remix would be 10th in the count)
Also have started on SMASH Counts (there is a One Month Free Code on their OD (TAKEOVERTORONTO being the code - to add w/ the 2 Weeks Free (1 1/2 Month realistically to get as far possible!!) (Started w/ Inception and going in order (via Cagematch) (open to all to help out here w/recordings & info etc. (as well as promos too)

Hope this puts the RoH Worries to sleep!!