Adding Organizations Official Thread

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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by TheStepUp666 »

Shaun2J wrote:GWF are adding titantrons on their YouTube page. Here are a few, there are more to come.

Juvenile X
"Spit My Name" by rd19

Toni Harting & Ronaldo Shaqiri (also singles theme for Toni Harting)
"Toni Harting" by Hot Tag - Media Works

Cem Kaplan (EDIT: Video was taken down)

Pascal Spalter
"Dirt On My Shoes" by Score Squad

El Presidente Rambo (formerly known as "El Comandante Rambo" and before that "Caribbean Killer Rambo"
Also used by the group Los Libertadores De La Lucha Libre and it's group members as singles: Gefreiter Müller, Gefreiter Richter, Gefreiter Weber and Kadettin Kati
"¡Viva la Revolución!" by Royal Size, HighJakka & Rizow
Top work - A Good reason for these (as currently watching now) WCPW's World Cup German Qualifiers : D
Q? In regards to Lucky Kid - What should I Put as Song Title/Artist (As it's a Custom Mix of 2 Tracks - which details mentioned)
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Shaun2J »

Here's the playlist: ... 8IxkfM68YP

GWF have released the titantrons for Chris Colen, Dover, Mark Haskins and Anarşi (which is a new stable)
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by TheStepUp666 »

Shaun2J wrote:

Here's the playlist: ... 8IxkfM68YP

GWF have released the titantrons for Chris Colen, Dover, Mark Haskins and Anarşi (which is a new stable)
All added up as soon as I Saw them (Especially knowing Haskins' Theme is Currently used in Progress & SMASH :D )

Also you may have seen a few more added (Donovan Dijak,Joe Hendry, Al Snow,Moose & Jurn Simmons) - Will you be probably going through GWF Videos (like wXw - there are quite a few) : D
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by TEOL »

A newer merged WWE:NXT/FCW section might be a good idea for a addition. As Trips says it's the same brand we used to be FCW blah blah blah and NXT is a real labour of love re-invention of it.

Of course we have WOS officially coming back under GFW UK branding too. Hopefully without the music of the one off special which didn't suit the wrestlers gimmicks although the guy who does them makes good TV themes.
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Shaun2J »

TheStepUp666 wrote:Also you may have seen a few more added (Donovan Dijak,Joe Hendry, Al Snow,Moose & Jurn Simmons) - Will you be probably going through GWF Videos (like wXw - there are quite a few) : D
There's the big Grand Slam Event coming up next week, so there will be a few more to add. Wrestlers like Carlito and so on were already there though, if you want to add.

I'll check through some videos, not sure where I stopped with wXw but I wouldn't be so certain if there are any more themes to "catch" seeing as 2014 was the point where they made more professional over dubs than before. I'll see what I can do though!
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by thevaughano »

New Leicester Championship Wrestling Theme Song Listings from LCW Knock Out

Knock Out (Pay-Per-View)
(Unknown Title)

Cara Noir
1st (Now Identified!): "Ballet Suite From Swan Lake Op. 20: Dance of The Swans"

Brady Phillips:
"Rusted From The Rain" by Billy Talent

4Ever Young:
2nd (& New): "Irresistible (feat. Demi Lovato)"

The Alpha Brothers:
1st: (Unknown Title)

Barbie Rogue:
2nd (& New): (Unknown Title)

Angelina Love:
1st: (Unknown Title)

Team M.A.D. :
1st: "Hate Me Now" by Nas feat. Puff Daddy

Lee Hunter:
1st: (Unknown Title)

Bobbi Tyler:
1st: (Unknown Title)

1st: (Same as Bobbi Tyler 1st) [Unknown Title]

Jake McCluskey
1st: (Unknown Title)
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Hernan »

thevaughano wrote:Knock Out (Pay-Per-View)
(Unknown Title)
Where did you get that it's a Pay-Per-View? From what I searched, it was your typical indy standard event. I'm guessing the song you're saying is a music video put in the very beginning of the video. I could be wrong though.
thevaughano wrote: The Alpha Brothers:
1st: (Unknown Title)
Is that one the same used at Momentum?
thevaughano wrote:Lee Hunter:
1st: (Unknown Title)
Any chance that this could be "The Heat is On" by Glenn Frey?
thevaughano wrote:Bobbi Tyler:
1st: (Unknown Title)

1st: (Same as Bobbi Tyler 1st) [Unknown Title]
Is any possibility that this could be “Riot” by Dance with the Dead?
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Shaun2J »

More titantrons have been uploaded to the GWF YouTube page. Everyone other than Trevor Lee, who had "the shits" wrestled on Saturday at the Grand Slam Event. ... 8IxkfM68YP
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Shaun2J »

GWF are also putting up a weekly storylined show with matches, starting... well just about an hour ago. They'll be uploaded every Wednesday.
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by TheStepUp666 »

Shaun2J wrote:GWF are also putting up a weekly storylined show with matches, starting... well just about an hour ago. They'll be uploaded every Wednesday.
Ep 1:
Also just from the first few seconds (just seen now) - USE The SAME Theme as WCPW Loaded (since the rebirth of the show/also the FightBack Theme too)
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by TheStepUp666 »

Another Company to the Add pile

Southern Pro Wrestling New Zealand (Based out of (guess guess!!! :lol: ) - Active Since 2015)
Logo : ... -black.png
YT : ... 6Mv-Bx68pQ (Not many Matches , Lots of bits & pieces)OD:

One for Reactivating
Fierce Females : ... 3540791302
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Papa Faf »

Added the following companies:

NEO Japan Ladies Pro Wrestling
OSAKA Women's Pro-Wrestling
Pro Wrestling Secret Base
Sendai Girls' Pro Wrestling

Dangerous Adrenaline Wrestling Gladiators
Brian Kendrick's Wrestling Pro Wrestling
BATTLEWAR Pro Wrestling
British Extreme Championship Wrestling
CLASH Wrestling
European Wrestling Association
Heavy On Wrestling
Liberty All-Star Wrestling
Nordic Women's Wrestling Alliance
North Shore Pro Wrestling
North East Wrestling
Qatar Pro Wrestling
United Pro Wrestling
Women of Wrestling
Hart Legacy Wrestling
Action Coast Empire
Alianza de Pequeñas Leyendas de Luchadores Mexicanos
Promociones CaraLucha
Caution Wrestling Federation
Chile Lucha Libre
Dantes Lucha Factory
Doomsday Wrestling
Dorado Guapito Wrestling
Esto Es Lucha Pro Wrestling
Extreme Midget Wrestling
Federacion Mundial de Lucha Libre
First Wrestling Society
Fenix Rebelion Lucha Libre
Fuerza Mexicana de Lucha Libre
Fusion Ichiban Pro Wrestling
Generacion Lucha Libre
GeneraXion Lucha Libre
GALLI Lucha Libre
Global Les Catch
King Bulls Wrestling
LAKONN Lucha Libre
Leyendas Inmortales de la Lucha Libre
Llaves y Candados
Lucha Libre Elite (Will be removed as I didn't realize there was already a listing)
Lucha Libre Femenil
Lucha Libre Unida
Lucha Libre VIP
Lucha Libre Volcanica
Lucha Libre y Espectaculos del Sureste
Lucha Profesional Fronteriza
Lucha Xtreme
Luchadores de Celaya A.D.
MAX Lucha Libre
Midget Wrestling Federation
Monterrey Xtreme Wrestling
Nueva Alianza Guerrera
Nueva Generacion Xtrema
Orden de Lucha Xtrema
Organizacion Mundial de Lucha Libre
Perros Del Mal
Phoenix Pro Wrestling
Promociones Rayo de Plata
Promociones Xtremas del Noreste
Promociones Yucatecas Camara Vazquez
Revolucion Lucha Libre
Revolution Free Style
RIOT Wrestling Alliance
Texican Championship Wrestling
Underground Independent Pro Wrestling
Women Wrestling Stars
World Power Wrestling
Wrestling Association of Reynosa City
Xplosion Nacional de Lucha Libre
Xtreme Club Lucha Libre
Xtreme Independent Wrestling Group
Xtreme Latin American Wrestling

Beautiful Babes of Wrestling
BRAWL Wrestling
Championship Wrestling Experience
Chaos Pro Wrestling
Canadian National Wrestling Alliance
Catch Wrestling Norddeutschland
EPIC Pro Wrestling WAR
NWA Force-1
Future Wrestling Alliance
Battleground Pro Wrestling
Great Championship Wrestling
Hardway Wrestling
Independent Wrestling Federation
IWA Championship Wrestling
IWA Midwest
Midwestern States Pro Wrestling
NWA Midwest
NWA No Limits
Ohio Hatchet Wrestling
Phoenix Championship Wrestling
El Dorado Wrestling
Pro Wrestling Fujiwara Gumi
Pro-Wrestling Kings Road
Fighting World of Japan Pro Wrestling
Southern States Wrestling
Tenryu Project
Totally Tool Wrestling
Ultimate Pro Wrestling
Union Pro Wrestling
UWA Hardcore Wrestling
Uwai Station
AAW Vanguard
Velocity Pro Wrestling
VKF Wrestle Naniwa
Wrestling Marvelous Future
Wrestling New Classic
Ladies Professional Wrestling Association
Promo Azteca
Invasion RCH
Valkyrie Womens Professional Wrestling
Women's Extreme Wrestling (formerly Women's Erotic Wrestling)
Xcitement Wrestling Federation

TheStepUp666 wrote:Another Company to the Add pile

Southern Pro Wrestling New Zealand (Based out of (guess guess!!! :lol: ) - Active Since 2015)
Logo : ... -black.png
YT : ... 6Mv-Bx68pQ (Not many Matches , Lots of bits & pieces)OD:

One for Reactivating
Fierce Females : ... 3540791302
Added SPWNZ and moved Fierce Females back to the Indie section.
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Papa Faf »

Added Federacion Universal de Lucha Libre (FULL).
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Hernan »

It's worth to mention that IWA Midwest changed its name to Midwest Impact Pro in 2015. Any chance that this company can be updated? Here's the logo.
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by TheStepUp666 »

Been a while since another company been added (as some of this company is on the FITE TV OD)

HOPE Wrestling (Based Out of Nottingham,England - Active Since 2013)
Logo : ... 29x251.png
YT : ... XSEDiHK0TQ (There is Stuff there :D) OD : None (from what it seems)
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Papa Faf »

Hernan wrote:It's worth to mention that IWA Midwest changed its name to Midwest Impact Pro in 2015. Any chance that this company can be updated? Here's the logo.
TheStepUp666 wrote:Been a while since another company been added (as some of this company is on the FITE TV OD)

HOPE Wrestling (Based Out of Nottingham,England - Active Since 2013)
Logo : ... 29x251.png
YT : ... XSEDiHK0TQ (There is Stuff there :D) OD : None (from what it seems)
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by TheStepUp666 »

Another one (Just found & Starting to put weekly Stuff on YT)

Absolute Wrestling (Based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England - Active Since 2015)
Logo : ... Logov1.png
YT : ... 61g/videos (Not much here - Besides 2 Matches (one has music dubbed over the top) & Preview Vids) OD: None
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Papa Faf »

TheStepUp666 wrote:Another one (Just found & Starting to put weekly Stuff on YT)

Absolute Wrestling (Based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England - Active Since 2015)
Logo : ... Logov1.png
YT : ... 61g/videos (Not much here - Besides 2 Matches (one has music dubbed over the top) & Preview Vids) OD: None

Also added the following:
Defunct - American Luchacore
Indies - American Made Pro Wrestling, America's Most Liked Wrestling
Japan - Actwres girl'Z, 666
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Papa Faf »

Added Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling to the Defunct section.
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Re: Adding Organizations Official Thread

Post by Hernan »

FafAngryProphet wrote:Added Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling to the Defunct section.
I'm not sure if this is a company. It was more of a a reality show than a company. It was a casuality I was watching the first fifteen minutes of the first episode of the show last Sunday. Still, I do believe it is questionable its addition.
"Every theme count will be on the line"
Also known as DaBrennOfficial (March 12, 2014 - August 22, 2014)

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